Every dog owner wants to keep his pet hygienic, clean, and smelly. However, there are some rules that differentiate the beauty care of humans and dogs. As follows you will find some tips to keep your dog’s fur, skin, nails, teeth, ears, and paws healthy and clean.
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Grooming Tips
Bathing Your Dog
It is recommended to bath your dog a minimum of once every three months, but you may give your pup up to a weekly bath if your dog has a long hair, is quite active or suffers of skin problems. Dog owners should be aware that dogs generate natural oils to regenerate their skin and hair and over-bathing them could produce irritation and skin dryness.
At any rate, you should use hypo-allergenic and natural dog or baby shampoos to reduce the potential risks of skin irritations and dryness.
Brushing Your Dog
It is convenient to brush and shed your dog immediately before bathing. This way you will remove every type of dust, dandruff, dirt, and fleas to make the bathing moment more effective.
Skin Problems
If you see that your dog is insistently scratching, licking or chewing his fur you may check for the cause of his conduct. It could be due to allergies, parasites, infections, mycosis, metabolic problems or even stress.

Dental Care
Dogs, as humans, suffer of similar dental pathologies. If they accumulate tartar on their teeth their gums could create gingivitis and consequently tooth loss. Although we can brush dogs teeth regularly, we should keep in mind that a healthy diet together with chew toys, can go a long way toward keeping her mouth healthy. Bacteria and plaque-forming foods can cause build-up on a dog’s teeth. This can harden into tartar, potentially causing gingivitis, receding gums and tooth loss. Many pooches show signs of gum disease by the time they’re four years old because they aren’t provided with proper mouth care.
Eye Care
Giving your pup regular home eye exams will help keep you alert to any tearing, cloudiness or inflammation that may indicate a health problem. First, face your dog in a brightly lit area and look into his eyes. They should be clear and bright, and the area around the eyeball should be white. The pupils should be equal in size and there shouldn’t be tearing, discharge or any crust in the corners of his eyes. With your thumb, gently roll down your dog’s lower eyelid and look at the lining. It should be pink, not red or white.

Ear Care
Your dog’s regular grooming routine should include regular ear checks. This is especially important for dogs who produce excessive earwax or have a lot of inner-ear hair. Don’t clean your dog’s ears so frequently or deeply as to cause irritation and take care to never insert anything into your dog’s ear canal—probing inside can cause trauma or infection!
Nail Care
As a rule of thumb, a dog’s nails should be trimmed when they just about touch the ground when he or she walks. If your pet’s nails are clicking or getting snagged on the floor, it’s time for a trim. For leisurely living dogs, this might mean weekly pedicures, while urban pooches who stalk rough city sidewalks can go longer between clippings.
Paw Care
The pads on the bottom of your pups’ feet provide extra cushioning to help protect bones and joints from shock, provide insulation against extreme weather, aid walking on rough ground and protect tissue deep within the paw. It’s important to check your pet’s feet regularly to make sure they’re free of wounds, infections or foreign objects that can become lodged.
To keep them in tip-top shape, look for foxtails, pebbles, small bits of broken glass and other debris. Remove any splinters or debris gently with tweezers. Then, comb and trim the hair between the toes to be even with the pads to avoid painful matting.
If your dog’s pads have become cracked and dry, ask your veterinarian for a good pad moisturizer and use as directed. Avoid human hand moisturizers, which can soften the pads and lead to injury. A paw message will relax your dog and promote better circulation. Start by rubbing between the pads on the bottom of the paw, and then rub between each toe.

Treating Wounds
It’s not unusual for dogs to suffer cuts or wounds from accidentally stepping on glass, debris or other objects. Wounds that are smaller than a half inch in diameter can be cleaned with an antibacterial wash and wrapped with a light bandage. For deeper paw cuts, see your veterinarian for treatment.
Winter and Summer Paw Care
As with humans, your dog’s paws will require different types of care depending on the season. The bitter cold of winter can cause chapping and cracking in your dog’s paws. Rock salt and chemical ice melters can cause sores, infection, and blistering, and toxic chemicals can also be ingested by your dog when he licks his paws. Beat these wintertime blues by washing your dog’s paws in warm water after outdoor walks to rinse away salt and chemicals. You may wish to apply Vaseline, a great salt barrier, to your pet’s pads before each walk—or make sure your dog wears doggie booties.
During the summer, it’s important to remember your dog’s paws feel heat extremes. Just imagine stepping barefoot onto hot pavement—ouch! To prevent burns and blisters, avoid walking your dog on hot pavement or sand. Watch for blisters, loose flaps of skin and red, ulcerated patches on your pet’s pads. For minor burns, apply antibacterial wash to the paw and cover with a loose bandage. For serious burns, please visit your vet immediately.
Preventing Paw Problems
When starting a new exercise program with your dog, start off slow. Paws may become sensitive, chaffed or cracked, particularly when starting your dog out on hikes or runs. Be sure to keep your home and yard clear of pointy bits and pieces and avoid hazards such as broken glass and other debris when walking your dog. Always keep this simple tip in mind—if you wouldn’t like to walk barefoot on it, neither will your dog!
This website was inspired by the love for dogs of his creator, Alfredo Gonzalez. Being a proud owner of a female English bulldog (MAMI), Alfredo is in a permanent search for opportunities to enjoy life together with his canine best friend.
Mami and Me

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2000 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Suite 600.
Coral Gables, Fl 33134