Crate Training for All Ages

Crate Training for All Ages

Crate training is a popular way to help puppies hold themselves for periods of time and to keep them safe when unsupervised. Used correctly, a crate can be a good place for puppies and adult dogs to rest and sleep, but problems can occur if crates are used for...
Dogs Accurately Sniff Out COVID

Dogs Accurately Sniff Out COVID

Research out of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine Working Dog Center revealed that dogs can identify urine samples from COVID-19-positive individuals with 96% accuracy.The study, published in April in the journal PLOS ONE, used nine...
Giving Senior Dogs a Second Chance

Giving Senior Dogs a Second Chance

I adopted my Chiweenie, Lucy, nine years ago when she was a puppy. She sunbathes in the backyard while my kids swim, she relaxes next to me in her bed while I write, and she loves bacon mixed into her kibble. In other words, she’s living the good life.If we moved and...
Your Pup’s Post-Adoption Wellness Check

Your Pup’s Post-Adoption Wellness Check

I think I’d know by now if she was sick.” If only that were true. I was endeavoring to examine a frisky 5-month-old pup named Lily, while dodging full-frontal face licks. So far, the only thing for certain was me being canoodled by the little Labradoodle.“If I’d...
The Rise of Platform Training

The Rise of Platform Training

The magic of animals on platforms dates back some 160 years to trained horses on boxes and later to circus lions on pedestals. There’s just something about your own perch. And dog trainers have taken notice.“The circus world learned that if you put an animal up on a...
Nonprofit Rescue Organizations to WAG About

Nonprofit Rescue Organizations to WAG About

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsFounded in 1866, the ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) was the first animal welfare organization to be established in North America and today serves as the nation’s leading...