by delta | Sep 8, 2021 | Uncategorized
Weight: 20-35 pounds (9.07-15.88 kg) Height: 12-16 inches (30.48-40.64 cm) The Look of a Cocker Spaniel Noted for their silky coats and long ears, Cocker Spaniels have small, sturdy, well-balanced frames. Their clean-cut heads have wide muzzles, square jaws and upper...
by delta | Sep 6, 2021 | Uncategorized
Wasabi was the hot flavor in June at the world-renowned Westminster Kennel Club dog show. The glorious Pekingese, formally known as Grand Champion Pequest Wasabi, was the Number One show dog of all breeds in 2020. Westminster is always held in February at Madison...
by delta | Sep 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
A recent research study of stressed-out college students found the simple act of petting therapy dogs proved to be more effective at enhancing thinking and planning skills than traditional stress-management programs.The three-year Washington State University study,...
by delta | Aug 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
At Dogster, we love stories where human meets dog, then dog changes human’s life, so human quits day job to start a dog-centric business. Happie Dog Apparel Company is one of those stories. It wasn’t all smiles at first, though. Derek Beisel adopted Shooter at a low...
by delta | Aug 27, 2021 | Uncategorized
Visiting new shops, sightseeing and relaxing on the beach are vacation activities that can make lasting memories for you and your dog. Many dogs leap at the opportunity for new adventures, but for some dogs travel can be stressful. Before including your dog in your...
by delta | Aug 25, 2021 | Uncategorized
Quick Facts Weight: 110 – 175 pounds (49.90 – 79.38 kg) Height: 31 – 36 inches (78.74 – 91.44 cm) The Look of a Great Dane Great Danes have tall, powerful yet elegant frames. They have long, narrow heads with large nostrils and erect ears. Their eyes are dark, round...