Best Meat for Dogs: Which One Is Right for Your Dog

Best Meat for Dogs: Which One Is Right for Your Dog

About 30,000 years ago, dogs evolved to become man’s best friend. They developed the ability to eat a varied diet that includes meats, veggies, fruits and grains. And while dogs can be classified as omnivores, they lean more toward the carnivore end of the spectrum,...
Dog Photography Tips for Your Holiday Cards

Dog Photography Tips for Your Holiday Cards

The dreaded annual holiday card photo shoot. The stakes are high and the pressure is on. It’s hard enough to get your spouse and kids to clean up, dress up and smile for photos, but your dog, too?Dogster interviewed a range of pet picture experts, from dog trainers to...
Are There Side Effects of Anesthesia in Dogs?

Are There Side Effects of Anesthesia in Dogs?

There are many reasons that your dog may need to undergo anesthesia in her lifetime. Anesthesia has a scary reputation among pet parents, and it only takes a few Google searches to find a scary abyss of anesthesia horror stories from fellow pet parents. Even though...
How to Clean Dog Ears

How to Clean Dog Ears

When your dog shakes her head, is it a sign her ears need to be cleaned or could there be a bigger problem? Cleaning your dog’s ears at home can be a simple process with the right tools. But knowing how to clean dog ears at home, how often to clean your dog’s ears and...
Tips For Training 6 Core Dog Behaviors On Cue

Tips For Training 6 Core Dog Behaviors On Cue

Debbie DeSantis, BAH, CPDT-KA Debbie DeSantis, CPDT-KA, is an award-winning dog trainer and behavior specialist. In addition to working with shelter dogs, she shows her nationally-ranked obedience and rally dogs in competitions. Besides spending time with her five...