How to Take a Dog’s Temperature

How to Take a Dog’s Temperature

To take your dog’s temperature, use an assistant to gently restrain and keep your dog still and distracted. Apply a small amount of lube, such as petroleum jelly, to the tip of a digital rectal thermometer. Insert the thermometer approximately one inch into the dog’s...
Can Dogs Have Almond Milk?

Can Dogs Have Almond Milk?

This article has expert comment from vegan canine nutritionist Diana Laverdure-Dunetz, M.S.Dogs can have an occasional taste of your morning almond milk, as almonds are not toxic to dogs and can reduce inflammation. Look for unsweetened and unflavored varieties — a...
How to Choose the Best Vegan Dog Food

How to Choose the Best Vegan Dog Food

Turning your dog vegan is a controversial topic.But as more humans contemplate plant-based lifestyles themselves, it becomes a relevant idea for dog parents. Dr. Ilana Halperin, chief of service for Community Medicine at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine in...
Husky Grooming Tips to Control Shedding

Husky Grooming Tips to Control Shedding

Huskies have a lot of fur and shed twice a year, but don’t let it intimidate you: Grooming is easy if you know the secrets (hint: never shave your Husky’s coat!). Tim Vogel, CEO of dog grooming franchise Scenthound, combs through his top three Husky grooming tips.How...
What is a Puppy Cut?

What is a Puppy Cut?

A puppy cut is a dog’s haircut that is one, consistent, typically short length all over the dog’s body.While the dog’s parents and the groomer determine the actual length of hair for their dog, depending on activity levels and outside temperatures, hair length...
Airedale Terrier 101

Airedale Terrier 101

Appropriately nicknamed the King of Terriers, the Airedale Terrier conveys this by being remarkably adaptable, talented and a confident breed. Renowned for his independent problem solving, cleverness and hard-working nature, the Airedale yet finds time for fun, and...